Season II

A GDG DevFest is a large, community-run event that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, and more.

Excited? Find the Day that interest you, and join the fun!

Each GDG DevFest will be inspired by and uniquely tailored to the needs of the developer community that hosts it. While no two events will be exactly alike, each GDG DevFest will, at its core, be powered by a shared belief that when developers come together to exchange ideas, amazing things can happen.


Small, powerful devices, worn on the body. Useful information when you need it most. Intelligent answers to spoken questions. Tools to help reach fitness goals. Your key to a multiscreen world.


Google Chrome is a rich and powerful web browser, pioneering what is possible for applications on the web. Google has worked hard to deliver a very fast, very stable, feature rich browsing experience for end users. Google has also ensured that developers like you have a great experience with Chrome.


Learn about concepts and technologies that make up the Google cloud world, and understand what Google’s cloud has to offer for developers.


The fundamental element in any Google Maps API application is the “map” itself. This session discusses usage of the fundamental GMap2 object and the basics of map operations.

Android platform
Material Design
Apps Development
Game Development
Web Components
Apps Development
Material Design
Game Development
Cloud Computing
Apps Development
Games Development
Google Maps API
StreetView technology
Apps Development
Web Components
Game Development
Material Design

If you want to become a Speaker in the second season of the Google DevFest, click the following button and complete the “Interest in becoming a Speaker” form.